Vickie Harrell Haywood was born to a Naval Chief Petty officer in San Diego, CA in 1949. Her mother Hazel was a housewife who raised working farm collies. Her world always included animals, from show dairy cows where clipper work was learned, and later, Quarter horses.
Her sister Bobbie Cheely became famous in Borzoi, finishing over 30 champions and 2 BIS winners but it was Poodles that turned into a life-time love for Vickie.
Mary V. Wright gave Vickie her first champion, shown by Rick Koester and Dennis McCoy. Many other names in the dog world added to her knowledge and a 25-year collaboration with Stan and Shirley Hoffman of Holbrook poodles created many AKC champions for Vickie and her Oakwood Kennels became synonymous with quality Poodles.
In her professional life, Vickie Haywood served as the first female Dog Warden in the State of NC. During her time as Animal Control Officer, she sat on legislative committee and became a sought-after speaker at the state level. Vickie shared her knowledge for over 35 years, teaching the public through State Parks and Recreation and dog clubs.
Highlights of her career in dogs is serving as an officer for the Lumberton Kennel club where for 7 years she was Show Chair on the famous Tar Heel cluster. Vickie was also a founding member of the Central Carolina Poodle club and as First President, achieved AKC recognition for the club.
Vicki Haywood says working with rescue and counseling prospective new owners is a passion but she is equally proud to have been involved in the breeding of more than 20 champion Poodles and 18 Obedience titled dogs. Vickie is equally proud of the accomplishments of the owners of Oakwood puppies who achieved CDX, Mach 7 and MACH 3 titled dogs. Her TDI dogs also have over 250 documented therapy visits.
Interestingly, Vickie was a classically trained Mezzo Soprano who studied under Anherad Sinclair and Dorothy Weaver Roberts. She is a Reiki Master and was also a ranked competition Skeet Shooter.
Today Vicki Haywood is retired, living on 10 acres “in the wilds” near Southern Pines NC, she still does some professional grooming, enjoys range pistol shooting and following her son's exceptional success in Rifle competitions.
The NetPlaces Network is honored to add Vickie Haywood to the Science and Advisory Board.
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