KAREN RHODESNetPlaces Network Writer, Artist and Dog Lover
Karen raised, trained and bred Chinese Shar-Pei in their early days in America and says “They are wonderful dogs with significantly large historic genetic records which can date hundreds of years.” She says “Over the years I have been blessed to have different breeds. Each dog enriched my life and experience in canine behavior and husbandry. I cannot imagine life without dogs.”
Karen worked as a veterinary technician for over a decade, learning from the ground up. The Pittsford, Vermont practice has since evolved to specialization in small animals and these many years later, she continues to use their services for her dogs.
Most of her professional writing was for the criminal justice system, including Pre-Sentence Investigation reports for the court. She was also a professional administrator until 2017.
The NetPlaces Network is honored to add such a multi-talented member to our Science and Advisory Board. Read more about Karen on her NetPlaces Network writer's page. Direct questions or comments to: Karen Rhodes Copyright © NetPlacesNetwork.com 20S09 https://www.netplacesnetwork.com/SAAB/Rhodes-Karen.asp