Barbara Collum

Featured Writer Since 2010


I got my BA in math and chemistry from Ole Miss. I then decided to get my RN and did the Nancy Nurse thing for a long time. That led to an interest in how pharmaceuticals are actually researched and why drugs that were once thought to be helpful were being taken off the market. I became curious about that whole process so before I moved to TN, I trained as a clinical research associate at the Research Triangle Park in NC, learning how the FDA monitors the data and info at the trial sites.


When my sister in Nashville asked if I would be interested in fostering/rescuing dogs and I said sure, sounds like fun, and so began a whole new chapter in my life. It’s been such a rewarding experience. It has opened my eyes and my heart to a completely different aspect of life. I now feel a greater sense of purpose than I ever thought possible. Bottom line - I missed my calling. :-) I should have been working/helping/involved with animals from the very beginning. The truth is; I cannot imagine a home without animals or animals without a home.


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