EDWARD GILBERT, JR.Featured Writer Since 2016
Mr. Gilbert is a Multi-Group judge, a Who's Who in dogs, an award winning book author, educator and Hound authority who sticks to the Breeds Standards.
He was a Delegate to the American Kennel Club and has held numerous offices in various kennel clubs and judges organizations. Ed is a past Vice President, Board Member and Lifetime Member of the Afghan Hound Club of America (AHCA).
Professionally Ed has taught at Mount San Antonio College, Chaffey College and Cal Poly University Pomona. In addition, he taught at two different Fortune 500 companies and developed training programs for the U.S. government, Australia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Iran, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Netherlands and Spain.
Since 1962, Ed Gilbert has written articles for the dog press and he is included in Who's Who In Dogs by Connie Vanacore. His 2-day K-9 Seminars were presented around the world. Visit www.gilbertk9.com for more information.
Among his most famous works are The Complete Afghan Hound (Howell Book House), K-9 Structure & Terminology and Encyclopedia Of K-9 Terminology. He is winner of the Dog Writers' Assoc. of America (DWAA) award.
Ed trained and handled his own dogs and now has two Salukis, International Champion and American Gch. Anjal Sahara Al-Kamal, a multiple Best In Show Winner, 2016 Top 20 SCOA finalist, and GCH Anjal Sahara Aranjuez at Tazi, CGC.
Direct Questions to: Edward Gilbert, Jr. © NetPlacesNetwork.com 1610.2010 https://www.netplacesnetwork.com/Writers/Edward-Gilbert-Jr.asp