Sheila Kessler

Featured Writer Since 2013


Sheila Kessler is a partner in Animal Legal Resources, LLC a Wisconsin law firm specializing in breeder issues and animal litigation. She and her law partner, Dr. Marty Greer, have represented breeders on issues related to licensing and have successfully defended against seizure actions in Wisconsin. Sheila is a graduate of UW-Madison Law school and has over twenty years of criminal defense experience and Dr. Marty Greer is a recent graduate of Marquette Law school and practices veterinary medicine in addition to her work at Animal Legal Resources, LLC. Both hobby breed, raise and show purebred dogs.


Kessler and Greer Law Office, PO Box 926, Stevens Point, WI 54481

715-544-6448 ofc. 715-340-1866 cell 715-544-6449 fax


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